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3 Aug 2021

GuitarCoop Releases a New Interview with Angel Romero Recorded in the GSI Showroom.


Our friends from GuitarCoop have recently published an interview with Angel Romero which was recorded at GSI in June 2017. Guitarists, Marcelo Kayath and Scott Tennant conducted this three-part interview, where Angel shares many interesting stories about his early life as a member of the Romero family, his concerts with Los Romeros, his meeting with Segovia, and much more! Two out of three videos have been already published on the GSI YouTube channel and are available for watching below. The last video is going to be published later this week.

In case you haven’t heard yet, GuitarCoop is a platform whose goal is to become the global hub for guitar aficionados by creating a new musical experience using the highest-quality recordings and videos in a multimedia experience that reflects the technologies and listening habits of the 21st century. You can learn more by visiting their website at


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