Michael Gullo records music by Andrew York, Agustin Barrios Mangore, Stanley Myers, and Jonathan Roth
We've just finished publishing videos of a new guitarist on our YouTube channel. Michael Gullo started playing the guitar at the age of 9 where he studied with several known guitar teachers in Ventura County. When he entered Moorpark College, he studied under Professor Ron Borczon of Moorpark College/Cal State Northridge and James Hunley of Hunley Studios. In 2020, Michael auditioned for admission to Pepperdine University and was accepted. He studied there with classical guitar virtuoso Christopher Parkening and received his B.A. in guitar performance in 2023.
While at GSI, Michael recorded five pieces. In the first video, he is playing Andrew York's "Home" for us. After hearing this performance, Andrew York himself featured Michael's video in his "Featured Artist Series".
...Michael plays with a sweet sensibility and is also quite the elegant dresser. A lovely video, I hope you enjoy Michael Gullo's tasteful interpretation of "Home". - Andrew York
Michael recorded this video on a 2023 Gerardo Centonze CD/AR.
The next two videos feature works by Agustin Barrios Mangore - "Una Limosna Por El Amor de Dios" a.k.a. "El Ultimo Tremolo" recorded on a 1930 Hermann Hauser I "Llobet" SP/MP, and "Las Abejas" performed by Michael on a 1986 Miguel Rodríguez SP/CSAR.
Jonathan Roth is a classical guitarist and composer whom we had the pleasure to record a few years ago (his videos can be found here). Michael's next video features Jonathan's composition titled "Grace". It was recorded on a 2020 Kenny Hill "Heritage" CD/IN guitar.
In the last video, you can hear Michael performing Stanley Myers' "Cavatina" which was famously performed by John Williams as the theme in the movie "The Deer Hunter". The guitar featured in the video is a 2012 Pepe Romero CD/CSAR (ex Vicente Coves).