1990 Matthias Dammann CD/CSAR (ex Pepe Romero)
This is an early "sandwich top" from its most famous exponent, Matthias Dammann. At this stage in it..
1990 Matthias Dammann SP/CSAR
This is an early "sandwich top" from its most famous exponent, Matthias Dammann. At this stage in it..
1999 Matthias Dammann "Torres" SP/CSAR
German luthier Matthias Dammann has become a household name in the aficionado community thanks large..
1996 Matthias Dammann CD/CSAR (ex Andrew York)
This is an extremely powerful "sandwich top" from its most famous exponent, Matthias Dammann and has..
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 (1 Page)