Kenneth Brogger - Stradivari
Danish luthier Kenneth Brögger has been inspired to make a Stardivari-inspired guitar. David Collett spoke to Kenneth quite a bit about this, and here’s what David has to say: (Scroll down for some beautiful photos)
For the last several years, Kenneth Brogger has traveled to a musical instrument fair in Cremona (the city most often associated with the famous violin maker Antonio Stradivari) in North Italy. Although the exhibits every year are always spectacular, the most recent one in 2011 (called “Antonio Stradivari – the Sublime Aesthetics”) was particularly extraordinary, and has captured Kenneth’s attention in a very interesting way.
During his long career as a violinmaker, with over a thousand instruments made in his workshop, Antonio Stradivari produced roughly only ten “known” inlaid and decorated instruments. Evidently making instruments of this sort was an absolute exception, even at that time. At this exhibit, the organizers managed to bring together no less than five inlaid violins for close-up comparison, something never achieved before. One of these violins in particular has inspired Kenneth to pay tribute to it, in a new guitar model he has recently unveiled. In Kenneth’s words:
“This exhibit made of course a big impression on me, so I decided to make a guitar with the same inlay pattern found around the border of the soundboard just as Stradivari did. I also used this motif in the interior and exterior of the rosette. I could not use genuine elephant ivory as Stradivarius did, (it is forbidden to use now), so I went as close as I could and have used legal Mammoth elephant tusk instead. This guitar is thus built as a tribute to Antonio Stradivari.”
Please also notice the simple – but elegant – ebony inlay in the rosewood head(s) that Kenneth used on this model (and we hope to see on his standard guitars as well), and how beautifully it complements the fingerboard and the machine buttons. We congratulate Kenneth on this effort and now have one of these on order, and expect to see it here mid-2012.