Matthew Chaffin, based in Orion, Michigan, is one of the newer luthiers to collaborate with Guitar Salon International, and with each new guitar he sends us, we are reminded of the high-standard craftsmanship we seek (and receive) from the best builders around the world.
For more than two decades, Matt has been studying traditional construction techniques of the great guitar masters of the past. He is a fourth-generation woodworker and craftsman in a family line that began with his great-grandfather’s making of fine furniture. His main focus has been to keep alive the traditions of the Spanish guitar makers in particular (especially Antonio de Torres, Santos Hernandez and Domingo Esteso) but at the same time incorporating his own notions of tonal qualities, playability/setup considerations and aesthetic details.
When not building guitars, Matt spends his time searching for turn-of-the-century woodworking tools, which he restores to original condition and uses to build his entirely hand-made instruments.
Clients have described their experience with their Chaffin guitars as “lightweight, responsive and lyrical instrument[s]”… “aesthetic details and decisions that are entirely unique to Chaffin”…”the sound is at once firm and refined, clean and stable, at times reminiscent of a Hauser style instrument, yet also open and charming, with an eager willingness to be pushed hard. Despite its ability to reach great volume, balance between bass and treble remains excellent, with neither ever overpowering the other. Playability is also top-notch, with its smooth neck shape and easy action allowing for long playing sessions without exhausting the hands.”
GSI is proud to collaborate with Matthew Chaffin as he joins our lineup of world-class luthiers. We are sure you will appreciate and enjoy Matt’s top-quality guitars as your beloved musical instruments.