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Simon Marty is one of the most sought-after guitar makers to have emerged from the Australian school over the past several decades. Unlike many of the other makers from down under, Marty brings a strong scientific background (he has a doctorate in electrical engineering and science majors in physics and mathematics) to the fore when approaching the art of guitar construction and the production of tone. After years of research, some in part paid by grants from the Australian government, Marty has honed his design such that his instruments produce enormous volume, and feature solid trebles, huge basses, and an otherwise thick, dense sound. The short list of concert players who play Marty guitars include Aliexey Vianna, Marco Tamayo, Anabel Montesinos, Karen Schaup and Slavia Grigorian. Having had only one owner to date, this guitar is in excellent condition with barely any signs of playing wear and no damage or repairs.