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This instrument was made by veteran Italian luthier (and bowed instrument maker)
Lorenzo Frignani. It is a replica both regards to sound and to the "look" of an original 1910 Manuel Ramirez in his possession. In the violin world, it is common practice to finish instruments with a "distressed" look, giving the impression that the instrument is aged, including signs of wear that don't in reality exist (yet). This same approach has been applied in the finishing of this model, giving it a striking resemblance to the true original. Frignani claims that it is actually the "sound" of the original guitar that he prioritizes in his reproduction, and the aesthetic touches are done almost more as an afterthought. Renowned performer of old instruments, Stefano Grondona, has played on these Frignani guitars (as well as the original) and remarks that they do indeed capture the sound and feel of the original. Frignani believes that offering an instrument like this provides players access to this style of guitar at a much lower cost than obtaining an original, and has also found that it has been welcomed by players who do not want to risk touring with priceless vintage instruments. We are delighted to be working with this excellent maker, and find this to be a unique offering, unlike anything we've had before.
GSI is the exclusive dealer in the USA for this fine maker.
Photos taken during this guitar's construction.
Orfeo Magazine article on Tacchi, Locatto and Frignani